The good, the bad, and the host — me!
If your mind, complete with all your memories, is uploaded to a computer right now, that computer would give the same answers as you when asked a question. But we’ll be back here in a minute.
Have you ever had those two voices battle on your left and right shoulder? One usually dresses in all white and has a halo on their head, the other own wears red or black (that one got style) and carries a pitchfork. Where they are both telling you different things? C’mon I’m sure you’ve been there. Or was that a cartoon? Hmm…
Today I dare to be in your face to tell you that those voices are not as supreme (or evil) as we think they are. What do I mean? It’s simple. Everytime we have a crisis of conscience or a critical decision to make, all we hear are the results of what we have learned. The two beings that rest on our shoulders are a long recording of everything our minds can muster in order to help us with our present situation. So every decision we have made only comes from what we know and nothing else. Is that too much to take in? Basically put, we can not do more than what we are.
I’m sure some other questions are popping 🍾 into your head right now. So to help, I will answer those questions as they have hit me too
In a situation? How do we know which shoulder-guy to listen to?
It’s complex. Consider a few things. Is the shoulder-guy speaking for the good of all involved? How will you feel after you have implemented the advice of the guy you’ve listened to? Stuff like that.
Can meditation help me screen the voices in my head?
Yes. When we meditate, we quiet unnecessary noise within and we are closer to our subconscious. That way, we have more clarity to analyze situations and make decisions.
What we call conscience, the battle within, is purely based on our past. To many people, there is nothing wrong with killing and eating animals and that’s because they were not taught that it was wrong? So in actuality, is it wrong? Who knows?
Hitting children and/or spouses is inhumane to me but not to others. So you see that our past experiences influence how we communicate with those voices in our head, the experiences actually influence what the voices tell us as well.
This article is not to make us change our ways… you are free to revisit your past if you want, but the aim here is to let us know that those voices we meet with during decision-making or conscience-crisis time are not God and the Devil, they are us. But that’s interesting… What if that’s all God and the Devil are? The light and darkness in our past?