The law of correspondence
As above, so below
The law of correspondence is one of the hermetic laws and it suggests that there are many planes of existence. The student who understands the law of correspondence will see that there are patterns which repeat through out the planes if existence and by understanding one (the one which relates to you), you can unravel the happenings in other planes; happenings that would have been unsolvable without knowledge of this law.
Jesus casually mentions the implications of this law in Matthew 18 when he says that what is bound on earth is also bound in heaven and so on.
This law, like every other law can be rightly or erroneously used. When used right, one gains knowledge and insights beyond their current level and when used erroneously, one ends up judging wrongly and having haphazard results. Here’s an example.
Using the law of correspondence, religious humans have believed that God is a white man who rewards his people when they ask him for things, they believe no one can stand his anger and they believe he can do anything he wants with no one to stop him. These are assumptions based in the way we have accessed humans. We have made a corresponding similarity between the most powerful men in the world and God (imagining he has to be a higher level of the most powerful men we know). Of course this correspondence is based in error and as such, we see humans praising God so they can make requests and when they don’t get the request answered, confusion creeps in.
As within, so without
The world we see around us, or better put, our world, is a reflection of what’s happening inside us. We have an entire universe inside us, the universe of thoughts and feelings; and the state of the internal universe affects the way we perceive and react to the external universe. To use the law of correspondence is to see how the external mirrors the internal, and know that it is in the internal that we can take control in order to affect the external.
Another implication of this law is the concept of time. Time is an illusion. Yes it looks very real and linear here in the physical world but what about dreams? Do you know that no dream last longer than a few seconds in 'real' time? So all that time we spend in dream world is nothin more than a few seconds. Consider a football video game. It can be set to 10minutes of 'real' time but the characters in the game don’t know that. To them, they are playing 90 minutes. Now apply this to the law of attraction. While you wait 4 years to get your dream actualized, to the universe (or God if that sounds better to you), no time has passed at all. See what I did there? I used examples we knew to relate the concept of time from a universal stand point. That’s how you use the law of correspondence.
The law of correspondence has also created a huge number of vegetarians and vegans because some of them were born when they realized that the pain and anguish we (humans) feel at the point of danger or death, is the same with lower añimals and even if we can’t understand their barks and meows, we can see how they try to escape when they sense they are about to die. So these people decided they no longer want to be a part of that.
To escalate the law of correspondence would be to ask any question, no matter how insane, and then look around you at the things you understand. From there, the patterns start to jump out at you and in some time, so will the answers.
The smartest and wisest people who have ever lived owe a great percentage of their insights to the practice of this law, and many of us are using it albeit unconsciously. We find ourselves using one thing to try and figure out a similar thing which we don’t understand yet and in so doing, we always come closer to the answer.
The design of all planes of existence is perfect and all the knowledge we want has been given to us already. Use what you know to understand what you don’t. After all, it’s patterns all over.
To end this, I quote a line from Gloria Patri:
As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, world without end