The Battle for Your Attention
… are you really in control?
Question 1 — Why are celebrities (entertainers) overpaid?
We like to think they are overpaid because they have touched so many lives right? Yes, they have touched lives but that in itself does not guarantee their payment. Terrorists touch lives (if you know what I mean).
The reason why our actors, musicians, and sportspeople get paid through the roof is that they are an avenue through which the attention of the masses can be held.
Question 2— Why is attention valuable?
Attention or focus is everything. We react to the world based on what keeps our focus. Our focus determines our outlook. Attention is the currency of the mind so anything we want to grow, we only need to ‘pay’ attention to it. Are you following?
Anything you become interested in will hold your attention and it’s a beautiful thing. Even if you don’t know where to begin in getting what you have become interested in, just keep your attention on it and a way will appear. What we give our attention to will grow.
Question 3— Why is attention valuable…to them?
Money and power (control) is the reason why your attention is needed. When your attention is on something, then it is easier for you to be influenced by the rules that thing sets. If you start paying attention to your health, you will start to do the thing which your health requires. You will pick up some foods and drop some others. The same thing happens when an actor holds your daughter's undiluted attention.
When an actor with a billion followers orders for pizza in a movie, pizza orders go up in real life. When Lionel Messi did an ad for Lays at the 2018 world cup, surely sales went up. We see it as harmless. What we don’t see is that we probably would not have ordered that pizza if our screens didn’t tell us to. That for me is a big deal.
Let’s start to be intentional about where our attention goes. I am leaving the fine details out of this one on purpose. Think it out! How do we keep our attention on the things we want? Sit quietly and ask the question over and over again. The answers will amaze you!