The All in All

Daniel Asuquo
3 min readMar 1, 2021


The birds in the air
Organisms in the sea
The sun and yes man
Are made of the same thing
- Pharrell

I was raised christian so I heard that phrase a lot. They said God is the all in all and it sounded cool, though I didn’t understand the literal meaning or how epic it was. The thing is, now that I get it, I see that they didn’t know the intensity of the phrase either…and you may be in this same boat. But at the end of this few minutes, I am hoping that you will get it as I have. And if we can grab this concept, it’ll make the future a whole lot brighter.

Everything is the same

Do you understand that? Before we see how God is the all in all, let us understand the make up of everything.

In the OST for the movie ‘Despicable me’, Pharrell unloads some truth and the quoted lines at the top are part of them. How can we all be made of the same thing?

If you would do a little study, go back to ancient text, you will quickly find that energy is at the root of every physical form. In science, we are told that atoms exist at the core of everything. If you look at your hand under a microscope, you see that you are a mass of energy vibrating (I know right?). The reason Jesus could turn stone to bread and water to wine is because he knew that everything was the same and by being able to shake up molecules in any given thing, one could alter their state.

How is it that water becomes gas when heat is applied and can be solid when cold is applied? How does the larva become a butterfly? These are possible because there is a code that runs them and that code can be altered. When altered, a new form is seen.

In the secret, we are told that what Theologians call 'God' is the same thing physicists call 'energy’.

Everything is born from it, it can neither be created nor destroyed; it only changes form.

Do you see where I am going with this?

There is an energy that pervades the universe. This energy is ever present, capable of doing everything and it aware of itself and the entire universe at the same time. This energy birthed the universe not only by itself, but also in itself. And everything perceived in this universe, is but a manifestation of this energy. It is not only present in everything; it is all there is to anything. It is the all in all.

In this energy, we live and move and have our being. It lives in you, it lives in me and it watches over everything we see.

It is not only in the ocean, it is the ocean. It is fire, it is the sky and our very skin. It is the 1 and 0 of the universal code.

Now think of what you can do with this knowledge.



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