The Abyss Stares Back
We become what we hate
Have you noticed those who go to fight terrorists come back worse? Have you wondered why? PTSD you may say…but PTSD is just the effect of what really went down. The main reason however is because the abyss stares back.
Children who lash out at their parents and have unresolved terrible relationships with them most times become those same parents or they marry someone like them. Why? The abyss stares back.
Odeipus was told that he would kill his father an marry his mother. He ran away because he couldn’t bare to become what the prophecy had predicted. However, as he travelled, he killed a man and married a woman in a foreign land. He found out that the prophecy had been fulfilled because he was adopted by those he thought were his biological parents.
Most times, we meet our fate on the road to avoid them… why is that? The abyss stares back
What is the abyss?
For the purpose of this article, the abyss is our dark place; that thing we don’t want to become because of how much judgement we have placed on it. For one person, his abyss could be crime. For another person, it may be having children out of wedlock. Another person may have their abusive parent as their own abyss. It’s different for everyone but the feeling is the same. It’s dark, the thought is daunting and consuming. It feels like hate and fear combined. It’s anything but funny. It is everything we stand against…but there in lies the flaw.
We become whatever has our attention. Couples start to look alike when they have been together for a while and that’s because what they see the most is each other. We become our focus because of the restive principle. First we offer thought, then add power to the thought by feeling, then actions starts to align us to those feelings.
If you ask a person to imagine something horrible, they are modt likely to jump on the imagination, no matter how absurd. Let’s try it. What if a plane just crashed into your building? It’s crazy right? It could never happen. But it happened in Nigeria some years back. It happened because enough people had given attention to that kind of absurdity… the abyss stares back.
On the other hand, people are quick to dismiss amazing imaginations. Let’s try it! What if the president of your country invited you to share insight based on your field of expertise? People immediately go “nahhh! That’s dreaming”
So you see that we are more likely to engage our creative powers of imagination in darkness. And the darkness stares back…everytime!
This is the reason why people become what they criticize and hate. That’s the reason good girls end up with bad boys. These people have not learned to separate their emotions from the things they don’t like and thy don’t give enough attention to the things that are actually worthy of them.
So how do we get better? The answer is already in plain sight.
Be careful when starring into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you