Pick your “hard”

Daniel Asuquo
3 min readMar 12, 2021


Image from Pixabay

“It’s too difficult,” she said while watching my wife decorate a cake. Then she went through the process she has witnessed while I listened. After her description, even I started to see the difficulty in making a cake come out gorgeous. Before then, however, I didn’t see the “hard” in “Caking”

I was sitting with a “big boy” friend of mine earlier today. We were talking some tens of thousands of euros when he let out that he was currently having a series of court cases. Some he sued and in the others, he was sued. I listened and I was like “whoa! Is this the “Big boy” life? Must you have these kinds of quarrels that end up in court? I don’t even know what that type of life is like. Court cases? Grievances? That’s hard.

My friend Kate works as a bartender. Every once in a bit I visit her at work and when it’s rush hour, it’s crazy for her. She gets signaled every second by different people whose tables she’s tending and she 'loses it' sometimes. Still, she loves her job because she loves meeting new people. Keeping track of drinks and people while new customers are beckoning on her is something I don’t have the stamina for… it’s too hard for me.

I know a bank manager who’s 'livin’ the life' so to speak. Nice house, nice car and all that. She’s given targets by her bosses and the figures are outrageous (to me…and even to her at times). There are times she has sleepless nights and has to brainstorm with her husband to plot a way to reach her targets. Once she had to spend some time in holding because money went missing from her branch.

I saw a video on Youtube. This video was talking about the kinds of pain actors undergo in order to use those realistic make-ups we so love in the movies. I asked myself “Is this what it is? Is this the work behind acting? They deserve all the money they are paid. And on top of all the pain and discomfort, they have to remember lines and actually act. That sh*t is hard. Do you see where I’m going with this?

We always see the glitz and glam when we look at other people’s lives. But as John Legend said “nobody has it easy” and that’s why we should take a step back and be grateful. That also shows us that nothing is easy no matter how glamorous it looks. Lastly, if you are looking for easy, then you will do nothing and be nothing of note. It is the passion we have for what we do that gives us the strength to keep going when we have rough days, it is that passion that makes us not see ours as difficult and as others say. And finally, the hard parts chisel us into a future version of ourselves in whom we’ll be well pleased.

So pick your hard.



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