Morph — eus

Muscles, fat… and altering your form in the matrix

Daniel Asuquo
4 min readMar 2, 2021

“How do you do it?” She asked. “How is it that you can change your form in the blink of an eye?”

I was silent for a few seconds and then I asked her “Whaaaat?”

“When you decide to lose weight or bulk up, it happens so quickly. I want to know how I can morph like you”

What I’ll be sharing with you will help someone who has been trying to alter their physical form (by gaining or losing weight). It will show you how it’s become seeming easy for some of us to become people who can change form . A person who learns this conquers the plastic and illusive world of the Matrix. Such a person, we’ll call Morpheus.

What does it mean to Morph?

Morphing is defined as the smooth transitioning from one form to another. From this definition, we can see that we have been morphing ever since we were born (you can argue with your baby pictures). In the matrix, things take shape according to our habitual mental attitude but this is not the entire story.

The story is as follows:

When we have thoughts, we generate feelings which create belief in the thought and this belief inspires action. The actions we execute are what create the shaping of the world around us.

How does it relate to our body?

It’s simple really. Let’s take a person who wants to gain mass. The person first has the thought, then they believe that it can be done. And they start to do the things they feel they need to do in order to accomplish that goal (it could be lifting weights or eating more).

If it’s that simple though, how come many people struggle to morph? And those who do morph, most times are unable to control the process. A person who gets sick loses weight without his/her control and the one who is heading to obesity is stuck with ‘what happening?’ running through their mind (see what I did there? I said running).

Muscles and Fat

Fat is dead tissue while muscle is alive. Muscles are gained from movement so they can’t help but keep moving. Muscles eat up fat so they are important to the person who wants to lose or gain weight. This is one of the most important pieces of information needed to become Morpheus.

Many believe that when we talk about muscle, we are referring to Arnold Schwarzneggar

The calorie factor

If you consume more calories than you use up, you will add weight. If you consume less calories that you burn, the lose weight. It’s that simple. As Morpheus, you don’t count calories, you just become aware. If you have been adding weight and you want to lose it (the weight of course), then eat less that your current servings. Add some extra activity to your day (exercise) and keep at it.

The rest factor

The body is intelligent and already knows what is best for it. When we rest physically (sleeping) and mentally (meditating), we give our body and mind time to start repairing all it perceives to be imbalanced…and anything more than a few percent of bodyfat is imbalanced. We burn calories when we rest and if we are building muscle, then the muscles are eating up fat when we rest. The more quality rest you can afford, the quicker you attain your desired result.

Rest is not the same as sedentary lifestyle because while rest relaxes the body, sedentary living stresses it

The metabolic factor

Remember we said muscles are born in movement. So let’s say that metabolism is the movement or activity inside the body as it concerns the usage of calories. The more movement there is, the quicker the metabolic rate, the easier it is to lose fat. The more muscle mass we have, the more internal activity, the quicker the metabolic rate, the harder it is for dead, immobile fat to stay.

Take it easy

Finally, think of the concept of Neuroplasticity. If the brain can adjust as it gains new thoughts and discards old ones, then the body can as well and taking it easy let’s your body know that you trust it to do its thing.

It won’t happen over night but when you are successful, it’ll look like it did.

Focus on consistency rather than intensity. Remember the idea of morphing is a smooth transition.




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