Heaven and hell

Daniel Asuquo
4 min readJan 18, 2021


Let me try to collect my thoughts on this one. The majority of people in the world believe (because they have subscribed to one mainstream religion or another) that heaven and hell are the names of two places that are the opposite of each other. Heaven is a place that we go to after we die if we have been good and hell is the place we go to after we die if we have been bad. These concepts persuade people to live a good life for fear of eternal damnation and all that stuff that accompanies.

For me, the validity of these concepts came into question when I read a series of stories from the bible — one of them being The Transfiguration where Jesus pulled out what seemed to be the ghosts of Elijah and Moses. It was a simple question in my mind like “where were those guys when Jesus puled them out?” of course I had no answer but curiosity had been sparked.

I read a book called ‘Raptured” where the author was so vivid as to how the ‘last days’ would be. He painted a grim picture of all that would await anyone who did not accept Jesus and let’s not even go to that horror book in the bible called revelation. Heaven is described as having streets of Gold and Hell is described as a pit burning with fire and brimstone.

What if these tales are just tales? The same way our parent tell us stuff to make us “behave”?

Here are a few reasons why I believe that Heaven and Hell (as physical locations) are concepts adopted by religious folks to make us ‘behave’.

  1. As a person dies, it is official that the body is gone and the soul is all that remains. If this is true, then what gets burned exactly? because the fear that keeps us ‘doing right’ is based on the little burns we have experienced, we imagine ourselves burning — well you can only burn while in the physical plane so that whole soul burning thing? not quite sure it’s legit.
  2. Jesus — he said in my father’s house house there are many mansions there and that he goes to prepare a place (John 14:2–3). This is taken to mean the heaven right? But this same Jesus also said that the kingdom of God is within (Luke 17:20–21). So what is to be inferred here? I reckon that even if there is a ‘heaven’ literally situated somewhere, one thing is for sure; you have to enter heaven within first and that means following a path of non violence, thinking good thoughts for yourself and others and being at peace — leaving base emotions like greed (in all its forms), hate, anger and envy towards others at bay. From the looks of it, how many have managed this? Do these things and you are guaranteed heaven — a peace that passeth all understanding they say — but I ain’t here to preach. Watch ‘the 100’ and see the parts that talk about the city of light and you will get a better idea what ‘heaven’ is.
  3. Solomon — Solomon was recorded as the wisest! he said that if the righteous will receive their reward here on the earth; how much more the wicked? I’ll leave you to ponder that one.


If you are religious, then I am not asking you to shun what you have heard but I am always on the side of reason. I believe I am smart enough to grab God’s concepts (bold claim — I know) and if something looks like it doesn’t make sense, it’s because it probably doesn’t.

I have come to see that the Bible was doctored to a degree. Books removed, language tweaked and other editions and mutilations carried out. So it has always been a case of knowing the truth for yourself and that first comes from seizing to listen to anyone other than yourself (or the holy spirit in you — whichever works sits better with you). And you can only hear yourself think when you meditate quietly — for months on end (kidding); daily for 30 minutes and you will start to better understand the things that have been fed to you. You start to unlock your chakras and truth starts to pop out at you in ways that you didn't see them before.

Your life is yours — it is too valuable to place in the hands of another.



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