Avatar — Part 2

Daniel Asuquo
3 min readFeb 9, 2021


If this reality isn’t ‘real’, then are you saying that it doesn’t matter? No that’s not what I’m saying. But before I answer further, let’s see why the real you needed an avatar in the first place.

Earth is a learning ground. Sure we are all chasing paper right now (sadly) but that was not the initial plan. It is not the reason why we came. We came to learn and develop ourselves. We came to gather experience through lessons and we couldn’t do that without interacting with the construct on a personal level.

Our real form is not physical and would be useless for the purpose of physical interaction. So a shell (if you will) was needed to host 'consciousness' in order for that experience to be full. In the Matrix, they 'plug in' in order to expericnce the Matrix and while they are there, their minds are active through this 'version' of them in the Matrix and everything feels so real — kinda like the way Earth has been feeling quite real to you; or how dreams can feel real until you wake up. You are getting it now right?

Have you ever been 'lost in thought’? To the point where a person standing right next to you calls you and you don’t hear because your mind is 'somewhere else’? That happened because at that time, you existed (with a bit too much enthusiasm) in the mental world. And that’s nowhere near the level of 'lost' we’ve become in our avatar and its world. We have so become disconnected from the memory of our real self and the point of it all is to reconnect and remember.

Sometimes I think there was a joke in there somewhere when our real self said “I’m going to experience earth…and I’ll go ahead and wipe the avatar’s memory shortly after I get there”

Yes it is important to live our fullest life and enjoy the beautiful things in life but we should do so intentionally and that is not by 'chasing' those things and living for those things.

Since we have forgotten that we are avatars here to experience a small speck of the universe as part of a journey to sonething greater, the aim then is to reconnect to our real self and awaken to the reason why we are here so we can navigate better.

When you ask yourself a question and an 'idea' comes to you, who do you think sent it? When you’ve had nudges and string instincts, where do you think they came from?

The real us longs for the day when we will mature enough and seek reconnection and intentional living.

Part 3 explains how we can achieve this and when we succeed, we find that we end up making the most of our avatar and experience in general.



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