Avatar — Part 1

What version of us is 'real’?

Daniel Asuquo
3 min readFeb 8, 2021

There is a theory that states that we are our own avatar. I mean, of course, we are our own avatar…it’s so obvious. It is obvious, right? But somehow, I feel you don’t get it yet. You may need to be seated for this one.

You! The one reading this. This you! Who’s dressed (or not dressed…I’m not judgy) and hopefully probably sitting by now, are an avatar; And the real you is in a remote location — and sometimes, when you sleep, you wake up as them.

Wait...what? (I did suggest you sit down)

Many of us believe the world we see during our waking hours to be the ultimate reality. But what if I told you that this is the illusion? that there are other levels of reality which we live in and one day we wake up finally from this too.

I don’t mean to go creepy on us but it’s important to know that we live in at least five realities; all similar but vastly different. Time passes differently in each but they are all connected and you, the real you, is at the center of it all. In the physical, however, we interact using our bodies and that is how our physical bodies earned the title of Avatar!

What’s an avatar?

HINDUISM: A manifestation of a deity or released soul in bodily form on earth; an incarnate divine teacher.

COMPUTING: An icon or figure representing a particular person in a video game, Internet forum, etc.

That pretty much sums it up. If you will; take a look at yourself and no I don’t mean ‘in a mirror’. I mean, look at your hands and legs, turn your neck and see your body for what it is — you are free to use any of the definitions you are most comfortable with however the fact is glaring. Look at it from whichever you want. Your physical form is an Avatar.

For so long, we have assumed our avatars to be our real selves and in so doing, we have sold ourselves short in every possible way. A person who is unaware of their true nature succumbs to disease and suffering — they feel as though they have no control and as such try so hard to control the littlest things and other people. A person who is unaware of their omnipotence and omniscience acts with little or no power and they are slaves to circumstances. They take the words and conclusions of others over their own reasoning and instincts and what’s sad is this:

The more frequently we ignore our own intuition and reasoning, the quieter they become

So if this body is an avatar that we use to interact with the physical construct, who then is the real ‘us’? and where the heck are we controlling this thing from?

I’ll let you ponder on this for a minute — part 2 loading…



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