A journey to the beginning
I am fucking grateful that I was born in Africa. Now we all know that Africa may not be at par with the rest of the world in modern advancements such as medicine, communication and techie stuff. But I would like to state that this ‘so-called’ backwardness is the reason why I am grateful that I was born in Africa.
You see Africa is this beginning and in Africa, we found a way to heal ourselves with leaves, we understood telepathy and we did some pretty awesome stuff that even today’s tech is still trying to figure out. Of course the Africa I speak of is long gone (physically) and Africans are too busy emulating those who should be emulating them. The Africa I speak of believed in the power of the Sun and how it’s energy kept the physical forms on Earth alive. We understood the power of thoughts, intentions and the will — and how those kept the human body alive. We had understanding of deeper sub-realities like re-incarnation; it helped us better understand ourselves and our relationships.
In the Africa I speak about, which if you listen closely still exists in whispers, Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, Alchemy, and Clairvoyance are not tricks performed for money and fame, they are realities which are used for the betterment of lives of communities.
Africans built Pyramids with scientific architecture which enables her to hold and channel insurmountable energy. In Africa, ancient tech is being dug up which is then studied to produce some of the devices we us. The beginning was in Africa
But the Africans I refer to were not Africans at all, they only taught our ancestors some of what they knew and generations of Africans did their best to pass down these pools of knowledge. The “Africans” to whom I refer, the ones who understood everything, were only here on Earth for a period of time. Perhaps they will come back but that is not my concern — It is those concepts and Ideas which they taught that makes me grateful to be born in Africa. And while I would do my best to share what I know, the main purpose of this article is to wake you the fuck up so you can also start your own journey to the beginning — when everything was complete.
*PS Everything written here is from my personal reading, research and sixth sense in which case further scrutinized and validated by proof from observation of the world around me and history